Thursday, 16 January 2025

Mostly tufties

 A run up to the Pendam lakes by Chris B this afternoon produced 10 Tufted Ducks on Llyn Blaenmelindwr and another on Llyn Syfydrin, where there was also a Little Grebe.


 Avocet present on the saltmarsh out from the Ynys Feurig Hide at least in the morning, but giving poor views. In addition, 400 teals and 150 wigeon viewable from the same hide.

  Dave Anning

Brambling near Llyn Eiddwen

There were a few Brambling in a mixed flock at the roadside about half a mile south-west of Llyn Eiddwen this morning.

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Avocet at Ynys-hir

 When the mist finally cleared it was a beautiful day at RSPB Ynys-hir and, in the four hours I was there I saw over 70 bird species. Highlights were 3 different stock doves calling, an avocet on the river which then flew onto the Ynys Feurig pool, a merlin, a male and ringtail hen harrier, a fem/imm marsh harrier, 4 bar-tailed godwits and 2 green sandpipers and a kingfisher perched in front of the Domen las hide for the 15 minutes I was in the hide. Shame I didn't have a camera.

Russell Jones

Salem again

 I had a very pleasant walk around Salem this morning and there was plenty of bird activity. This included a greenfinch and siskins on a bird feeder, a pair of greater spots (one drumming), a noisy nuthatch, and a woodcock.  

This afternoon at Cors Fochno were probably three immature/female marsh harriers, a ringtail hen harrier, a barn owl, and a water rail squealed from the marshes. 

Dave Purdon played me the song of a willow tit from the Bird Guide app this afternoon and it was 100% what I heard on Saturday!

Jerry Moore

Tuesday, 14 January 2025


 I was driving north to Bangor this afternoon and noticed a group of 5 Egrets just south of Capel Dewi. They were around the cattle in front of Lovesgrove House. Unfortunately I had no optics with me so couldn't tell if they were Little or Cattle Egrets but I suspect the latter. In case anyone is passing tomorrow.

Steve  Jones

Little Egrets have been seen in that area today but it is a site which has held Cattle Egrets before, so well worth a look tomorrow.


 My visit to the Dyfi estuary this morning was sadly cut short due to weather conditions but I did come away with some nice results 

270 Golden Plover, 40 Dunln and a female Stone Chat at Ynys- las point. A male and female Goosander, 3 Common Sandpiper, 2 male and 1 female Pintail from the Tern posts. A Mistle Thrush, 21 Fieldfare, 18 Redwing and 70 Lapwing from the Cletwr bank. 



 Sightings from yesterday include whooper swan 2, barn owl 2, marsh harrier 1 and hen harrier 1 all from the Ynys Feurig hide. Goldeneye 9 and green sandpiper 1 from Domenlas Hide and great egret from Marian Mawr Hide. Water pipit still present along Clettwr Bank.

Dave Anning

Winter thrushes and wildfowl

 A couple of reports from Chris Bird.  Last Friday around Nanteos a flock of ca90 Redwings and 49 Fieldfares and on Sunday Llyn Eiddwen hosted two Goldeneye and 11 Foosanders.

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Willow Tit?

 Well, I'm not an expert. I personally find it very difficult to separate Marsh/Willow visually. I rely on call/song and or habitat, if possible. What you describe does sound like it could be a Willow Tit singing perhaps but without hearing it personally I really couldn't say. I've heard Great Tits making all sorts of deceptive calls, for example. 

What habitat was the bird present in? Willow Tits really do like areas of wet willow scrub whereas Marsh Tits are likely to be in mature deciduous woodland. However, I have found both species in a similar area if both these habitats are present in close proximity. Say, a thin ribbon of deciduous woodland along a stream close to wet, overgrown fields that are reverting to scrub.

I've looked to see where Salem is. As far as I can recall it lies outside the known range of Willow Tit in the county. Not just when I surveyed them myself, but prior to that also. But maybe they've just been overlooked. Very possible. Can you give the grid reference please?

To summarise, as I'm cooking dinner, I'm afraid I don't know what it was. I suggest going back to the area a couple of times between mid Feb to mid April when Willow Tits are more vocal to give yourself another chance of connecting. I would like to have the grid ref if possible. 

Good luck. Let me know what you find.