Yesterday Chris B had nine Tufted Ducks and two Wigeon on Llyn Blaenmelindwr and a pair of Tufted Ducks on Llyn Pendam.
Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Tuesday, 4 March 2025
North Ceredigion
North Ceredigion highlights with Mark Norris. Very high tide on the Dyfi this morning. 16 Redshank and a Common Sandpiper roosting on the rocky bank just east of the Leri. Also a female Reed Bunting. Later there were 25 Common Scoter off Ynys-las brick house. The Glandyfi lay-by held some good birds. 3 Little Grebe. A pair of Goldeneye. Another 3 Common Sandpiper. 5 Redshank. The Avocet was roosting with a small flock of Oystercatchers. A female Marsh Harrier was hawking over the marsh. Also 30 Turnstone under Aberystwyth pier.
Andy James
Monday, 3 March 2025
RSPB Ynys-hir
That Willow Tit
Just an update on the "willow tit" I thought I heard back in January. A few days after reporting it I had a very helpful and interesting email from Keith Burdett, relating how he believed he had heard a willow tit near Llanrhstud in 2023. He had played back the willow tit song from a bird song app which attracted a pair of nuthatches. This carried on throughout the breeding season.
Sunday, 2 March 2025
Possible Glossy Ibis Ian
Hi Ian re your post, there was report about one in north wales last month, so it could possibly be one around and on the move with this good weather.
Purp Sands in Aber.
A lovely sunny day and 4 Purple Sandpipers by the wooden jetty on Friday; a Turnstone seemed to be having an identity crisis as he joined them! Then over to the stone pier and a large red unidentified bird hovered over us for some time; finally 8 Turnstones gathered close to the bridge and one of them caught a creature looking vaguely like a sand eel, tho I don't think it was. A Rock Pipit joined in too.
Cors Caron Firecrest
Pont Einon, bog Boardwalk and railway walk, Saturday
Saturday, 1 March 2025
Glossy Ibis? (Penrhiwllan)
At work earlier I had a convincing report from a customer of a possible Glossy Ibis yesterday morning along the stream that runs out of the east of the village. His description could hardly have been of anything else, flushed at close quarters I think. Keen sea fisherman familiar with Curlews and Grey Herons for comparison. Will try to get written description from him next week. Just wondered if anyone is aware of any Ibis sightings recently in south or west Wales?
Friday, 28 February 2025
A Common Sandpiper and a Green Sandpiper on the Ceredigion side this morning when the tide was still very high.
Monday, 24 February 2025
Harriers at Cors Fochno
I went with Dave Purdon down to Cors Fochno on Saturday evening to visit the harrier roost. We had counts of probably two ringtail hen harriers and one male, plus probably two female/imm marsh harriers. It was a pity they were all so far away!