Friday, 22 January 2010

Consti and Old College Rocks

Today, we walked up Cliff Terrace toward the fields on top of Consti
hill. On the way, we saw this Siskin (among many Goldfinches, Blue
tits etc.) feeding in a front garden. I thought she looked very pretty
in the afternoon light so I took some photos.

Further uphill there were two Choughs feeding in one of the fields.

We then headed down Consti & walked to the Old College rocks where we
saw 19 Wigeon and 2 handsome male Shovelers out at sea.

A Grey Heron later appeared on the rocks and disturbed the peace, as
the gulls didn't seem too pleased by its presence!

A Kingfisher was also on the rocks, and we watched it as it tried to
swallow a fish that was almost as big as him! It took him a while, as
you might imagine!

Then to finish off the day, we watched the Starling roost. It was very
impressive, as usual. I took a few shots - enjoy!

Rachel Davies & Ian Lycett