As we come up to the great garden birdwatch I have been getting in a bit of practice, counting is proving difficult. At present Blue Tit numbers are starting to challenge the Siskin as Top bird with a maximum count of 15 at one time, they are frequently accompanied by 8 Great , 3 Coal and 2 long-tailed. Siskin numbers have remained steady at about 20. Yesterday we had 4 Robins together, they didn't squabble and appeared to be as two pairs today there only seems to be the one "pair" I can't tell male from female. 5 House Sparrows, 6 Goldfinches, 10 or so Green Finches, 2 Dunnocks, 2 Blackbirds, a dozen or so Chaffinches and the occasional Collard Dove make up the regular flock. All the winter Thrushes together with the Bullfinches seem to have moved on, although a Song Thrush is putting in sporadic appearances.
Locally I still haven't managed to catch up with the Otter, the Scaup or the Pink-feet but on a trip "up North" on Saturday I did manage to grab a new Welsh species for me when I saw 5 Woodcock near the Little Orme.