Thought I'd have another go at surveying this tetrad,high above Llanddewi Brefi (nearly 500m above sea level). Once again the road was blocked by ice/snow so had to walk a mile to the 'start.' Conditions weren't ideal with the wind blowing but it was dry and visibility good. It's a bleak area. Back in Nov. I recorded just 23 birds of 11 species but these included 'good' birds such as Woodcock,Stonechat and Reed Bunting. Today, after a 2 hour hike, it was more deserted than ever. Those exciting survey results in full;
Raven 1;Carrion Crow 1;Goldcrest 3;Coal Tit 1;Dunnock 1;Bullfinch 2;Slug 1.
I was getting desperate and lonely by the end.