Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Ynys-hir Monday 25th

quite a few birds around, this included a number of greenland whitefronted geese dotted around the salt marsh i counted around 20 but there were probably many more which were hidden eventually 6 of them gave fairly good views infront of the breakwater hide. 150 Barnacle geese were also here, some of the other birds around the reserve were teal (160+), wigeon (31), goldeneye (5), goosander (2), pintail (1), merlin (1), redwing (40), little egret (3), little grebe (3), bullfinch (2), siskin (3), jay (3), redshank (10), curlew (20+), lapwing (300+), shelduck (40+) and long-tailed tit (8).

Tom Wells