Sunday 7 February 2010

Ceredigion Birding Group Field Trip

Twenty one of us met at Borth Railway Station this morning to be guided across the bog by Harry Pepper. It was very, very cold to start with but eventually the temperature climbed to cold.
As we congregated on the platform a Stonechat showed itself very well just the other side of the track. We saw a couple of Reed Buntings as we walked along the path by the Leri. Instead of turning across the golf course Harry consented to continue on towards the Railway Bridge for a chance of seeing the Scaup that has been hanging around there. We found the Scaup and as we watched it Tarka, the magnificent male Otter put in an appearance. He was very active, continually diving and re-surfacing with tit-bits and getting ever closer to where we stood. There were some appreciative oohs and ahhs, I know that at least one of our group had never seen an Otter before, so it was very good of him to turn up. He entertained us for 15-20 minutes before it was time to move on. We retraced our steps then headed towards the coast for a bit of sea-watching. We saw 3 Sanderling, a Ringed Plover, a Great-crested Grebe and several Common Scoter before calling it a day.