Tuesday 16 February 2010

Tame or wild otters?

There has been some suggestion that the Leri otter(s) may perhaps have once been captive animals and that they were released into the wild possibly from the 'Animalarium' in Borth. Curious to know if this was a possibility I called at the 'Animalarium' today and spoke to the owners and they deny releasing any previously captive otters into the wild and in fact they have not kept captive Eurasian otters at their premises. I have no reason to disbelieve them so we can safely assume that the Leri otters are truly wild animals. The 'dog' otter is remarkably tolerant of man when he is sighted but as someone said today a couple of decades have passed since they were hunted and persecuted and perhaps the present generation of otters everywhere are losing some of their fear of man. They are generally seen far more often now in daylight hours than in the past.