Tuesday 18 May 2010

spotteds and treecreeps

Philip, my neighbour Ian Tillotson has his pair back tho' he used to have more than one a few years back. Mine has been all day feeding around our pond on the emerging damsel-flies with a lot of competition. No obvious mate but its early yet.
Treecreepers emerged today with some drama. When being fed in the rotting shed wall over the past few days there were no sounds apart from some scrabbling but on fledging there was plenty of plaintive squeaking as a result of one flying the wrong way and getting trapped inside the shed! They, at least 3 young, were well feathered but tail-less and could climb well but flew uncertainly. At least it was a fine day to come out and the parents were quick to deliver food.
Unfortunately a well grown juv blackbird flew into one of our windows and broke its neck. We have 14 large glass units and protect most with hazel branches stuck into plant pots; this was one pane that wasn't screened as it has never been a problem before.