Tuesday 13 July 2010

More on herring gulls and seaside reminiscences

I meant to say yesterday that my sister in Ynysybwl was telling me that herring gulls were a real nuisance for the one chapel's Sunday School outing that went to Barry Island this year. One snatched an ice cream from a woman and another woman sat under a large umbrella to avoid the droppings. I know this is outside Ceredigion but I thought it does show what a nuisance herring gulls can become.

When I was a kid, the whole village went, originally by steam train being the only occasion the branch line had passenger trains rather than the coal trains pulling what was probably the best coal in the world. When they did have passenger trains, there is a story of one woman rushing on to Paddington Station asking for the Bwl train!

You may think that this is not a lot to do with Cardiganshire's birds but this was the only occasion in a year that I went to the seaside so it just shows how we take Ceredigion's coast for granted.