Saturday 10 July 2010

Visiting birder's observations

Last week I was on holiday at Aberporth staying in a bungalow overlooking Cardigan Bay, thus I did a tremendous amount of sea-bird watching, amongst which I recorded the following :
Manx Shearwater
Seen every morning and evening in small numbers upto circa 100 flying over the sea.
On 27th June in the evening a good few hundrd flew past.
On 2nd July in the morning circa 500 flew past.
Northern Gannet
Seen every day ones and twos flying around over the sea.
On 27th June in the evening circa 20 were flying around, next morning at least 150 were flying around/swimming on the sea.
Common Guillemot
Seen most days ones and twos flying over/swimming on the sea.
On 30th June in the morning counted 129 swimming on the sea just offshore.
On 1st July in the morning circa 15 were swimming on the sea.
Atlantic Puffin
On 26th June in the morning 3 clearly seen flying over the sea.
On 27th June in the morning 4 swimming on the sea.
On 30th June in the morning 5 swimming on the sea.
Northern Fulmar
On 27th June in the afternoon 2 over the sea, with 1 the next afternoon.
On 30th June in the morning and early evening 1 over the sea.
Also around Aberporth -
Red Kite
On 27th June in the morning 1 flying around over the fields by the top of the cliffs, and in the afternoon a bird with different wing feather pattern flying around over the same area.
On 28th June in the morning 1 flew over the same fields.
Common Raven
Second half of the week a family of 2 adults and 3 full grown young were seen around the area.
Red-billed Chough
From 29th June a party of upto 6 were seen a number of times around the tops of the cliffs.
Other observations include -
Greater Canada Goose
On 30th in the afternoon counted 220 on the mudflats in the estuary of the River Teifi opposite the Webley Hotel north of St. Dogmael's.
Common Shelduck
1, nearby family of 2 adults and 6 well grown young, on the mud on the east side of the River Teifi at St. Dogmael's.
Little Egret
in 30th June in the afternoon 1 on the mud on east side of the River Teifi at St. Dogmael's.
White-throated Dipper
On 28th June and 1st July in the afternoon none seen at Cenarth Waterfall.
Presumably due to the very considerable reduction in the amount of water coming down the River.
Grey Wagtail
On 28th June in the afternoon 2 seen at Cenarth Waterfall.
Clive Jolly
Rayleigh, Essex