Tuesday 28 September 2010

Dyfi Estuary Pill-box

Roy Bamford and I walked to the Pill-box this morning. A Peregrine put in an appearance almost as soon as we reached the river-bank. Only a little further on we watched a Merlin make a half-hearted swoop at a Redshank. The Merlin then landed on some rocks ahead of us and we were able to have a good look at him through my scope. We counted 4 Pintail on the water, together with 15 or 16 Wigeon. I counted c330 Oystercatchers over towards the Clettwr with quite a lot of Curlews, which I didn't count. There were small numbers of Dunlin and Redshank, a few Meadow Pipits, a couple of Wheatear and 3 or 4 Goldfinches. Perhaps the highlight of the day though was the glorious weather.