Wednesday 22 September 2010

Ynyslas & Aberystwyth

A few notable birds seen on the coast today included: 2 Wheatears

(I think Greenland race, but will happily be told otherwise) in the 'middle' car park at Yynslas, on the beach there were 20+ Dunlin, 20+ Sanderling, 3 Ringed Plovers, 3+ Common Gulls and a Little Egret feeding just off the main car park. A Peregrine was also seen taking a small wader, and then carrying it over the hill on the Aberdyfi side of the estuary.

At Aberystwyth there were 2 (unringed) adult Med Gulls on the college rocks amongst the many Black-headed and Herring Gulls, 3 Turnstones and a couple of very vocal Rock Pipits.