Saturday 23 October 2010

Ynyshir and Clettwr

Excellent views of the Barnacle geese at Ynyshir today, scattered across the saltings and on the field behind Breakwater hide (but no sign of 'minima' Canada goose or Whitefronts). Peregrine over, up to 10 Little Egrets on saltings, and 4 Goosanders. A Water rail was calling from the ditch. I was glad of the well-proofed roof of the Breakwater hide as the rain drummed on it; the Wigeon on the estuary in front of me seemed indifferent to the rain. 2 Grey plovers, and 5 RB Mergansers on river beyond.

A walk down the Clettwr this afternoon produced a Kingfisher, a Dipper, 4 Greenshank, and c. 40 Snipe along the rushy far bank. 150 Golden plover were with the Lapwings on the Lodge Farm fields, and 8 Greenland Whitefronts flew across at the back to land in the far fields. A juv Little Stint on the first flood on the right was a nice surprise.

No sign of any winter thrushes at either site today.