Sunday 17 October 2010

Ystumtuen Sightings

Recent sightings include:-
On the feeders
Lots of Blue and Great Tits and Chaffinches.
A regular 3 - 5 of Siskin, Gold and Greenfinch
A couple of Robins
Several House Sparrows.
Great Spotted Woodpeckers.

Also around:-
Pied Wagtails
Meadow Pipits
Red Kite
Regular Kestrel on the Henrhiw
I think they bred this year as there were 2 juveniles seen. Good to see that they get around Ystumtuen as per Elaine Izzett's post.
We will also keep an eye out for the Whooper Swans (quite early this year?) and the Teal which we have never seen there either!
Matt and Charly Potter