Last Wednesday, MPs had their first chance to vote on forest sell-off plans. Your MP in Ceredigion was one of just four MPs to abstain. [1]
This probably means they are wavering - and that more pressure this week could push them to oppose the sell-off. Please send your MP a message now. Ask them why they abstained and ask them to speak out against selling our forests.
Click here to email your MP:
If an MP abstains, it's usually a sign they could be won over with a bit more pressure. On the one hand, they know their voters want them to oppose privatising our woodlands. On the other, their party bosses are leaning on them to toe the line. If more of us email them this week, it could tip the balance.
That makes your MP a key target for our campaign. The next time MPs vote on selling off our woodland, it could be a make or break vote to pave the way for privatisation. If we put the spotlight on your MP now, we can make sure that next time they come off the fence and vote against selling off our forests.
Please take 2 minutes to email your MP now:
Our Save Our Forests campaign created a real stir in parliament last week. Nearly 100,000 of us emailed and phoned our MPs. We ran full-page newspaper adverts publicising the number of names on our petition. We pushed 6 government MPs to rebel and vote for a rethink. MPs from all parties stood up to talk about problems with the sell-off. Even David Cameron started making vague hints that he might be willing to back down. [2]
Together, we're showing politicians that they can't get away with pushing through policies that nobody voted for and hardly anyone supports. We're standing up for the principle that some things are so precious that no government should be allowed to sell them off, If we keep going, we can save our forests - and also stand up for our right to be heard.
Click here to ask your MP to come out strongly against the forest sell-off: