Monday, 2 May 2011


It clearly pays to get out early as by the time Bob and I got to Borth the Tern and Shearwater numbers were down but the remaining birds were incredibly close and provided a marvellous spectacle.
At Glandwr on Cors Fochno there was no sign of interesting waders, but as Russell mentions below, an odd-looking female Wigeon was seen, first noticed a few days ago by Marc Hughes. Bob and I then viewed the meadow to the west of the boatyard and watched 46 Whimbrels and 13 Bar-tailed Godwits. A further 51 Barwits were along the nearby Leri. Later a Merlin dashed across the road towards the Leri bridge.
After lunch we returned to Glandwr where a couple of Greenshank had settled. Mike Bailey joined us and thanks to him we saw a White Wagtail and, at long last, a Wood Sandpiper. At last we could go home! ( but not before seeing 4 Common Sandpipers and 5 more Whimbrel beside the Leri.)