Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Ynyslas and Ynys-hir (again)

Another short sea-watch between 6.45am and 8am again produced thousands of manx shearwaters close in-shore (some 8000) with 110 gannets and 260 commic terns, the ratio of the latter again similar to yesterday. With the commics were 2 black terns which is not un-expected considering the strong easterly winds. I wonder if small fish are keeping close in-shore in shallower water early am as the shallower water will heat up quicker than further out; most late mornings and afternoons there is very little bird activity here as John and Bob have noted . At Ynys-hir there were 2 greenshank and a female pochard on the ditches near the Breakwater hide and the female gadwall is still on the pool below the car-park.