Saturday 21 April 2012

Aberystwyth and Tanybwlch

As I set off into the murk this morning following heavy rain and hail at home, I convinced myself that it couldn't be as bad in Aberystwyth.  Sure enough, when I arrived, the town was bathed in sunshine.  Good old Aber.
Just a few distant Gannets, Manx Shearwaters and Kittiwakes offshore, though there was a close Guillemot on the sea. As there were no Purple Sandpipers on the wall I went down to the harbour, to find 14 on the rocks by the wooden jetty.
And so to Tanybwlch.  A few Swallows had begun to move through as I was leaving the harbour and this passage continued. The final total was about 55, among which I picked out one Sand Martin and one House Martin. 
On the beach were 16 Oystercatchers,  four Turnstones, two Ringed Plovers and a Whimbrel, plus a Common Sandpiper on the Ystwyth near the sheds.
A very smart male Wheatear and a party of nine Linnets near the harbour were the pick of the passerines.