Saturday 14 April 2012

Aberystwyth prom and Black Covert

The rain was just clearing when I arrived at the castle about 8.00. Hoping for Whimbrel, but all I could find were single Curlew and Ringed Plover on the rocks, plus a Wheatear which later flew onto the castle. 
Offshore were good numbers of Gannets, Kittiwakes and Manx Shearwaters.  I was about to head off in search of migrants when John Davis arrived. 
We stood chatting (and freezing) for about an hour, during which time three Sandwich Terns flew by, close in, and John picked out a 1st winter Little Gull among the Kittiwakes. As is often the case on these occasions, neither of us wanted to be the first to move, in case the other person found a good bird.
 Nevertheless, we parted company and then it was up the Ystwyth valley for me, to Black Covert, Trawscoed. Got off to a good start before heading off into the woods, with a Dipper on the river and a Goshawk being mobbed by two Carrion Crows over Alltfedw.
Highlights of the walk were great views of singing Blackcaps and Goldcrests, my first Willow Warblers of the year, a Garden Warbler seen chasing off a Chiffchaff, and last but not least, a male Pied Flycatcher.
Stopped off at Comins Pen-y-banc on the way home and found a pair of Kestrels, probably in the same area where Meurig had one a couple of days ago.