Monday 16 April 2012

From Matt Potter at Ystumtuen

On Saturday a walk down the prom produced at least 9 Purple Sandpipers on the seawall at Castle Point, plus a few Gannets offshore plus at least 6 Dolphins. Lack of bins meant that anything else off shore was impossible to see.
A short walk in Ystumtuen turned up 2 Willow Warblers, at least 4 Yellowhammers, with 3 potential territories, Stonechat, lots of Meadow Pipits and Linnets, all in teritory battles.
Today with a sleeping Toddler, 2 Swallows over Leri Boatyard, first of the year! A quick look from Ynyslas Turn produced lots of Manx Shearwaters far offshore flying North. Not much else was about so I went to South Beach to continue seawatching. Lots of action again far offshore with lots of Gulls in feeding frenzies. Quite a few Gannets were out there plus 2 very distant Guillimots. 2 Sandwhich Terns were patrolling the surf which gave my now strained eyes a rest! Not really much else.
Back into Ystumtuen where another Swallow flew over and a single female Redstart made a brief appreance. Another first for the year. Plus a Yellowhammer.