Saturday 21 April 2012

Coastal Walk

Managing to avoid the rain and hail yesterday morning walking from Llanon to Aberarth and back looking for Chats the blustery westerly wind provided perfect conditions for some outstanding flying displays, a couple of pairs of Ravens took the honours, narrowly beating a pair of Buzzards with groups of 3 to 7 Red Kites coming third, never seen so many along this stretch. 
It would have been fascinating to see how Choughs would have competed but none were seen. Late on a Peregrine came along to 'play' with the Herring Gulls whilst a solitary Kestrel remained perfectly still watching from high above the chaos below.
9 Stonechats (3 pairs) and 7 Wheatear (3 pairs) observed during the walk yet only one of each in the Tetrad being monitored. 
Steady flow of Swallows heading up the coast goodness knows how they find food in such conditions.
Alan Lyne