Friday 20 April 2012

Ynyslas and a kentish plover

A WeBS count this morning and I was at the pill-box near the Leri at 8am. A short-eared owl was the highlight there with very few waders at all and the only ducks were lots of shelduck, red-breasted mergansers and a lone female pintail. As the sky steadily darkened I scurried back to the car and got there just as the heavens broke and steady rain poured down. On to the Ynyslas section of the WeBS count and fortunately, because of the rain there were no other cars or dog walkers on the beach and right at the entrance was a mixed flock of waders. Quickly scanning through with binoculars from the comfort of the car I straight away picked up a superb male kentish plover though it was not showing much rusty colour on the crown and nape. Lovely long blackish legs and a much finer bill than the 100 or so ringed plovers it was with. Two sanderling, a few dunlin and 3 sandwich terns completed a lovely morning's birdwatch, despite the rain.