Friday 20 April 2012

Ynyslas & Foel Fawr

Riding on Russell's coat-tails this morning I was lucky enough to see the Kentish Plover at Ynyslas as well. When I arrived at 10:15 it was in amongst a group of about 25 Ringed Plover and 3 Dunlin but it stuck out like the proverbial sore thumb - daintier and more elegant than the other plovers. I got thoroughly soaked in the down-pour but it was a price worth paying.
This afternoon Buster and I went up Foel Fawr (as per) where I hoped for and looked for Ring Ousel. No luck with them I'm afraid but we did see two Yellowhammers.

I forgot to mention a particularly yobish Raven I saw up there yesterday. First - and for no good reason, there was plenty of sky for everyone - it attacked a Buzzard then it turned on a Red Kite. At one point the two raptors joined forces to ward him off. I thought I might have seen a ring on the Raven's leg, or was it something to do with an ASBO?