Saturday 19 May 2012

Arctic-like Ynyslas and slightly warmer Ynys-hir

At 6.30 this morning it felt rather cold at Ynyslas turn with a strong NE wind blowing. Finding the wind too cold on the landward side I sheltered on the seaward side of the defences (after adding 2 more layers of clothing, a thick felt hat and gloves).Lots of manx shearwaters were passing (some 4000 in 2 hours) as well as gannets and a few guilemots on the sea. Two red-throated divers in summer plumage were nice as were 3 sandwich terns. By now finding that sitting on assorted pebbles was becoming far too uncomfortable I headed to Ynyslas where 60 ringed plover 134 dunlin, 3 sanderling and a turnstone were near the Leri at high-tide. This afternoon, with the weather having warmed somewhat I had a quick look at Ynys-hir. Highlights were around 580 dunlin and 135 ringed plover feeding on the flats opposite the Breakwater hide along with 56 bar-tailed godwits on the river edge. A ruff on the Breakwater pool was a nice bonus too.