Friday 11 May 2012

Bonxie and Great Northern Diver

The brisk onshore wind tempted me to the coast at Aberystwyth this morning and I was not disappointed.
Several hundred Manx Shearwaters were all moving south, as was a Fulmar and four Swifts (probably had enough of our spring).  In contrast, a party of 10 Kittiwakes went north.
About 15 Gannets were feeding well offshore, with two more preferring the waters much closer in, off Castle Point.
Seawatchers have to be optimists, and, fond as I am of watching Gannets and shearwaters, I was just thinking there must be something else out there when a Great Skua appeared, moving north.
About an hour later I finished the session on a high, with a south bound Great Northern Diver.
Passage waders were seven Whimbrel and four Turnstones, one of which had joined the five remaining Purple Sandpipers in the roost on the seawall.