Friday 15 January 2016

hen harrier petition

In between the snow/frozen rain flurries this morning I watched one of the male Hen Harriers quartering the bog and was reminded that this week is the last chance to sign the petition to ban DRIVEN grouse shooting (different to walked- up shooting) as the high intensity grouse moors of N.England and Scotland are where they are most persecuted.  The link to the petition is on Mark Avery's blog 'Standing up for Nature' with chapter and verse on the case for it.

Ceredigion has garnered 81 signatures so far which is the most in Wales and maybe because the campaign has had publicity on this blog; it won't succeed of course but it is a chance to show that the  birdwatching community cares about more than just twitching rarities.

Also on the flash in front of the waiting room 3 little grebes and a pair of mute swans.