Saturday 7 May 2016

Going Cuckoo

Whilst resting on my favourite seat on the Foel this afternoon, a cuckoo started calling quite close by. I turned towards the sound and located it almost immediately, sat on a tree stump about 100 meters away.  As I watched, another cuckoo flew into my line of sight and settled a short distance behind, enabling me to see two cuckoos at the same time.  After a minute or two the first bird descended to the ground and disappeared into some heather.  A few moments later it reappeared and a couple of meadow pipits  started mobbing it...
Before that, as I climbed the hill I noticed a couple of dozen house martins feeding high above me.
I saw a couple of tree pipits, a couple of stonechats and a couple of willow warblers.  And I heard but couldn't see a whitethroat.
Bob Relph