Sunday 9 October 2016

Merlin @ Llanrhysted

Well... acting on available info , we went to see the Cattle Egret at Llanon...or not! Still , great to meet Andrew at last , who found it yesterday, and share with him the slime and s... from hundreds of beasties (Liz , I'm prone to hyperbs too!!!) as we slithered up the track to the cow field. Sadly ,and typically , it was GONE! Still, an unexpected sight : a pair of Stonechats battling with their own image in a car mirror-typically , the male left it to his better half to do the business-never seen Stonechats doing this before.
Thus Sue et moi were back to Llanrhysted for lunch and a stroll to the limepits. Glad  about that , as I nailed the wintering win some , you lose some! Is that the birders' bible?
Apart from a very late Wheatear , that was it.