Thursday 24 August 2017

Yesterday's field trip

Our high tide watch was a great success with twenty people turning out
to join Red at Ynys Las. There were no rarities seen but we had good
weather and the chance to study the commoner waders in various
plumages. Among the birds seen were Canada goose, cormorant, gannet,
little egret, oystercatcher, ringed plover, dunlin, knot, sanderling,
turnstone, redshank, Mediterranean gull, black-headed gull, herring
gull, Sandwich tern, swallow, wheatear, jackdaw, crow, and house
It was great to see some new faces among the group- I hope that they
enjoyed their morning out and look forward to seeing them on many
future field trips.
Many thanks to Red, and to other 'old hands' who turned out, for all
the help and expertise.

Elaine Izett