For the foreseeable future I am taking over from Elaine as
programme organiser for the Ceredigion Bird Group. I'm looking for people who
would be interested in leading a walk. It is not necessary to be an expert
birder to do this; just to have a walk in mind which you are willing to go round
with a group of people. Include a list of dates when you are available. If
you'd prefer to co-lead a meeting then get back to me and we can sort something
out. If you know of anyone who might be interested in leading or attending a
meeting please ask them to get in touch with me.
Tim Rayner
Mob: 07954012870
Address: Rhydynant, Doldre, Tregaron, SY25 6JT.
Many thanks to Tim for agreeing to take over the role of field trip organiser. I will put his details on the Field Trips page of the blog after Elaine's final outing on 12th Dec in case anyone wants to contact her about this trip.