Sunday, 14 June 2020

New Quay head

I did a circuit yesterday (13th) up behind the house an also checked the Bird’s Rock ledges . I came across an adult Chough feeding two healthy looking young. I took a couple of images  and quickly retreated so as not to disturb. Further along there was a group of four in flight and I presume these were a different family group. Images I took of the flying birds included a juvenile. (Sighting reported to the chough ringing group).
The ledges I could see are thick with auks mostly guillemot with a few razorbills (and guano). Cropping in on images show some young birds present.
Also seen - shags, cormorant, fulmars, kittiwakes, herring and GBB gulls and a close in gannet. Around the hedgerows stonechat, whitethroat and linnets.

Viv Evans