Sunday 8 September 2024

Ynyslas in the rain

My visit started well, with 100s of hirundines over Ynys Tachwedd (mostly swallows), a party of 8 Stonechats, and 3 Wheatears on fence posts. I set up by the tern posts to see what would come in to join the single Golden Plover (and 5 more Wheaters) at high tide. There was a Lapwing out on the sand banks, and c300 terns over on the Aberdyfi side; most numerous (and most vocal) were Sandwich Terns. 

As the tide rose, there were generally few waders around, but a group flying downstream included 9 Barwits and 11 Knot, and 4 Snipe came off the marsh. Then an Arctic Skua flew up the estuary disturbing the terns, and sat on the water with a GC Grebe. As the last sand bank disappeared the terns came over to my side, including c5 Common, 1 Arctic, and 1 Black Tern. A few Dunlin and Ringed Plover eventually settled near the tern posts, and the flock included a juvenile Curlew Sandpiper and a Knot. On my way back past the boatyard, a Ruff flew up the Leri. There were five Common Sandpipers between the road and rail bridges.