Wednesday 17 March 2010


Do you think the Ceredigion birders would be interested in any of these trips. I'll be on the Whale & Dolphin cruise to Spain on the 'Whale Bonanza ORCA Corker' cruise between the 18th/20th August assisting Dylan Walker and Ian Rowlands. I'm also interested in joining them on the Autumn Migration trip to Denmark on the 10th/13th October trip. This could be good.
I did it last year with Dylan and the bird migration was phenominal. If we could get a few people
interested then perhaps I could organise a coach to take us to Harwich and back. Its quite good value £140 pp for 3 nights 'on board' ship or £208 pp inclusive of food.
Anyway what I'm asking Bob is it worth putting it on the blog to see what the response is?
Fano island is a very pleasant little place and would appeal to our 'partners' too. The Dana Sirena is a great little ferry not to big and very comfortable. I spend 30 days on her last year as a
volunteer wildlife officer for ORCA. The whale watching trips to Spain across the Biscay are
good too but the viewing platform is not as good as the 'Pride of Bilboa' but its an overall nicer ship and 'newer'!


Anyone wanting to find out more please contact Elfyn.