Saturday 20 March 2010

A Message from Moira re the BTO Training Day

Hello everyone.

First this is a reminder to anyone interested of the BTO Training Day at Gilfach. There are still some places available and I will be going and can give a lift to anyone from the Aber area. The details are below.

It would be a great help if recorders would sent in their results for the Winter Atlas on paper or on-line as soon as possible. Thanks for all the work that you have put in despite the rather horrendous conditions this winter.

I know it is a bit early to ask you to think about the next year’s tetrads but Dawn is keen to have some idea of which areas will need extra coverage. If the 10km squares are not fully covered they will have to send in staff to fill in the gaps, if they can

Records of early breeders are needed so you can enter sightings of definite evidence of breeding in March. Some birds are already carrying nest material or defending territories.



See for details of this impressive venue including how to get there

Su Gough BTOs Training Officer and Editor of BTO News will lead the morning indoor session and, as last year, it is hoped to arrange afternoon field trips in the Reserve under the guidance of experienced team leaders. We assemble at 10 am at the Discovery Centre for a 10.30 am start.

Tea, coffee and light snacks will be available in return for a modest contribution to RWT funds but please bring your own lunch and wear suitable clothing and footwear for the field trips. The course itself is free and open to anyone interested in improving their bird watching/ surveying and identification skills.

The number of places is limited so please book early by contacting me on 01547 560175 or or by post to Lower Thorne, Discoed, Presteigne LD8 2NN . It would be helpful if you could reply by 31st March.

The event will finish around 3.30 – 4 pm. I know that Julian Jones, RWT Manager is planning to hold a meeting at the Centre commencing at 4pm to discuss the formation on an RWT Bird Group and you are most welcome to stay on for this important event. More details to follow.

Finally, a word of comfort for those who attended last year – the heating system has been fixed!

Please let me know if you have any queries. I do hope you can come along and I look forward to hearing from you

Best wishes Brian Jones Regional Rep BTO Radnorshire