Tuesday 23 March 2010

Tan-y-Bwlch Wheatears

What a lovely day yesterday it was one of those rare days when Tanybwlch beach was at its best with no wind,the tide was out and we even saw some sand.Spring was certainly in the air and I got my second wheatear sighting ,the first was on Mull last April.This pair were certainly quite at home and not that shy considering the number of people and dogs about. We are still undecided as to the dunnock like bird that sang from the tall briar along side the river .It looked a little too yellow and rusty as it disappeared into the briar.I had hoped to see the Red Throated Diver but no doubt it has left for its breeding ground.The shag was unmistakeable however,showing his black crest and was busy feeding.

Lis Collison