Tuesday 23 March 2010

Teifi Marshes and the A to Z of birds in Ceredigion

Last Sunday, two sand martins and an outburst of song from a Cetti's warbler at the Teifi marshes.

I see that Consti Hill is featured in walks this month in the April Bird Watching magazine. On page 70, it is good to see a quarter page promotion of the A to Z of birds in Ceredigion but a bit unfortunate that the list includes Artic skua (a kind of lorry), Eagret, Kittihawk, and sQuacco heron!

The Collins Guide 2nd edition has some major taxonomic changes. It now starts with swans, geese and duck, for instance, and there are 41 species, 33 as a result of splitting! For instance, Cackling Goose has been split from Canada Goose! Mine was only £11.09 from Amazon.