Not strictly relevant to Ceredigion perhaps but some of you might be interested anyway. We have been colour-ringing Little Egrets at a colony near Bangor for the last couple of years and earlier this year ringed 97 young. So far we have had sightings in several north England counties including Derbyshire, Lancashire & Cumbria, Scotland (2), Northern Ireland (3), Republic of Ireland, Isle of Man (4) and just recently (on 3rd November) the bird shown was sighted at a chicken farm at Tejina, La Laguna, Tenerife approx 3,000km south of where it was ringed!! It looks a bit the worse for wear but was still alive and looking considerably better on 25th November. Perhaps some of the Little Egrets it is standing next to in the second photo were born on the Dyfi? I wonder if it will return to Wales in the spring? Any colour-ring sightings from Ceredigion, or elsewhere, would be greatly appreciated.