Monday 28 February 2011


Reading the report re Llanon.
I walked from Aberarth to Llanon earlier in the week whilst I did not see the Lapland Buntings I was pleased to see 4 male and 2 female Stonechats above the high cliffs frequented by a good number of Herring Gulls and some 20 Fulmars. I was beginning to think that the severe winter had taken a heavy toll on small birds such as Stonechats. One bird I have not seen or even heard on my various walks so far this year is the Wren, even 'my garden' Wren seems to have departed.
Talking of fatalities, recently I have observed two Siskins at the garden bird feeder, both lethargic, seeming to be nibbling for ages at the husks of sunflower seeds and found dead the following day. The feeder is regularly cleaned, I was wondering if a similar disease to that affecting Greenfinches is currently prevalent?

Alan Lyne