Sunday 27 February 2011

March against Nant Y Moch Wind Farms

This is a notification to those intrested for a protest walk against the proposed wind farm at Nant Y Moch, by Pumlumon in the Cambrian Mountains.

It is to be held on the 6th March 2011. Meet at 2pm at the lay-by on the Ponterwyd – Talybont road near north-west tip of Nant y
Moch reservoir, grid reference SN737885

It will be lead by Jim Perrin, regular contributor to the Guardian, award winning writer and climber:-

In his own words "Nowhere better epitomises resistant Welsh nationhood than the wild
landscape of Hyddgen, north of Pumlumon Fawr. It was here that Owain Glyndwr, hugely
outnumbered, won the first battle of his great uprising. And it is here that we hope to make
our stand against the depredations upon Welsh landscape by heedless and ill-considered
government. May the spirit of this place impart its strength to us; and may we, in our turn,
help preserve it undiminished by threatened environmental atrocity."

Read the full press release here

This post isnt designed for a debate on renewable energy and the pro and cons of wind farms and nuclear power. Its also not a NIMBY rant either as we have 4 wind farms within 5 miles of here, one of them less than a mile away. But its to let people know that there is a protest march against this proposal which is 64 windturbines approx 481 foot high!!
If it goes ahead, it will spread from just north of Nant Yr Arian to Artists Valley. you will be able to see the turbines from Ynys Hir when you look back at those stunning hills which form a beautiful backdrop.

More detail here:-

We hope you can be there and help protect an area that was once nomiated as a National Park, and is trying to attain AONB status. With some careful land management, this huge upland area can accomodate, farming, plantations and wildlife. Heather moorland could be regenrated and see a welcome return for Hen Harrier, Short Eared Owls, Merlin, Black Grouse and a host of upland breeding waders.

Thanks for reading and I hope you can be there.
Matt Potter