Saturday 19 March 2011

Good News........

Good news is that a population of water voles has been found on Cors Fochno.

Bad news would be mink in the Dyfi Valley/floodplain area.

There is strong evidence that the presence of mink usually leads to a decline in water voles and waterfowl.

It is thought highly likely that mink were instrumental in the decline of water voles on the Dyfi floodplain and that mink were preventing any recovery.

Has the mink population declined over the past 5 or 6 years? Have you seen any mink in that area recently and are you seeing otters more often?

Chance would be a fine thing!

There appears to be some correlation between an increase in otters and a declining mink population and knock on benefits to water voles.

Any info/comments re mink, otters or water voles in the Cors Fochno and the wider area of the Dyfi floodplain, please.

Many thanks

Roy Bamford