At 14.02 yesterday two adult males approached the osprey nest from the railway track, jumped over the fence and walked towards the osprey nest until they were almost underneath. There they stopped and started to photograph the area and the nest. They had ruck sacs and ordinance survey maps and the one with the black coat even waved at one of the nest cameras at 14.22 - all caught on various surveillance equipment including the video cameras and microphones.Both ospreys were off the nest and eggs from 14.02 until 14.35 - over half an hour. No eggs were taken by humans but all three could have been taken by a host of avian predators. It is now too late to re-lay and that would have been the end of the osprey season for the Dyfi birds and maybe for ever.
Both these individuals walked back towards Dyfi Junction along an active rail track where they were apprehended by Dyfed - Powys Police who were notified immediately as soon as we identified the disturbance.I hope you don't mind me posting this on here.. it is now a Police matter and I have blurred out the faces of these individuals.
I would like to pass on my immense thanks and gratitude to the MWT staff and volunteers at the Dyfi Osprey Project yesterday afternoon who acted promptly, professionally and to procedure. I would also like to thank Dyfed-Powys Police for their remarkable response time and effectiveness in dealing with this serious wildlife crime. Lastly, thanks Bob for letting me put this post up.