I was arrested in my stroll along the railway line (Cors Caron)early this morning by an unfamiliar warble. I realised after a few seconds that it was the first phrase of a lesser's song being repeated over and over and quite loudly so I stepped slowly backwards to catch sight of the bird being killed by a magpie standing in the nest. It was over in seconds, with what appears to be a broken neck,and an unceremonious stuffing onto some blackthorn spikes after which the magger made a get-away off the nest. Needless to say when I returned half an hour later the precious meal was gone.
Considering all the garden warblers there were singing along the track this bird was very unlucky to be caught; had it unwittingly perched above the magger to sing or had it been caught, dragged back to the nest whereupon it sang loudly as a defence? Anyway, it didn't sing for long. Shame after all those miles and so close to its breeding area.