Just a few small flocks of whimbrel around all day today. Car/garden tick was a kestrel perched on the roof bars contemplating the starling's nest in our gable end. The starling keeps us entertained with his song repertoire including 2 kites (calling to each other), a buzzard, a blackbird, assorted warblers, a curlew, a car alarm, various industrial clicks and whirrs unfamiliar to us mid Wales rural residents and the latest addition is whimbrel passing at high speed complete with doppler effect. When startled from his post on the tv aerial he departs issuing a blackbird alarm call.
Friday, 6 May 2011
Just a few small flocks of whimbrel around all day today. Car/garden tick was a kestrel perched on the roof bars contemplating the starling's nest in our gable end. The starling keeps us entertained with his song repertoire including 2 kites (calling to each other), a buzzard, a blackbird, assorted warblers, a curlew, a car alarm, various industrial clicks and whirrs unfamiliar to us mid Wales rural residents and the latest addition is whimbrel passing at high speed complete with doppler effect. When startled from his post on the tv aerial he departs issuing a blackbird alarm call.