Saturday, 4 June 2011

Foel Fawr

We were on the Foel by 7:15 this morning and what a lovely morning it was.
I saw a very young looking Tree Pipit, obviously as interested in what may have been its first sight of a human and two dogs as I was in it. I also saw 3 adult pipits chasing each other around in what looked like a competitive manner. Are they looking to start a second brood I wonder?
At one point I stopped to look at a Willow Warbler that I saw fly onto a small tree, then I noticed a Tree Pipit almost next to it. As I glanced at the next small tree I was delighted to see a beautiful, male Yellowhammer showing really well and then I noticed a male Whinchat at the top of the first tree. A few moments later a Whitethroat joined the Yellowhammer. Two Buzzards were drifting lazily overhead and I could hear a Wren and a Dunnock nearby.
Earlier I watched a male Stonechat with 2 young ones and a Meadow Pipit which had its beak crammed with food but wouldn't go feed its young until we moved on.
As I said, what a lovely morning!