Firstly many thanks to Karen Williams, of QinetiQ Aberporth for the invitation to help with this year's mid-June bird survey of the 550 acre site.
I think the species list was comparable to last year's, nearly fifty species.
Obvious monitored species like Peregrine were seen, along with fantastic Skylark numbers (20+ singing). Many Common Whitethroats in all the likely habitat, with Lesser Whitethroat added too. Disappointing no Stonechats...
Other highlights, Bottle- nosed Dolphins offshore, and 3 sightings of an Otter !! in and out the seaweed below us. An emergence of Dark Green Fritillaries must have taken place this morning with c50-100 seen in the breeze, also Small Heaths (and likely Small Pearl Bordered Frit's and Small Blue). Also some wonderful rare plants shared with us by Arthur Chater.
(Wendy J. & Richard D)