Monday, 13 June 2011

Tir Sisial - Bullfinches and other stuff

A pair of Bullfinches are feeding daily for long periods on Selfheal and
Creeping Buttercup seeds on the little field in front of our house. Having
reclaimed this field from what was a bramble patch in 2006, this year,
rather than strimming the field I've just whacked the nettles, brambles
and burdocks with a slasher leaving a nice mix of common wildflowers.
Great to have the finches making the most of it.
A flock of 20 or so house martins come to feed here each evening, usually
with 2 Swifts although yesterday 4.
Kites are chasing, grappling and diving over the woodland, despite
presumably still having young in the nest.
Redstarts established 2 territories here this year, one on each side of
the valley.

Keith Burdett