Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Kite attack and response to Ian

Bird watching as usual whilst having my early morning coffee in bed, I noticed a stray starling, not quite right, through bins it had a leg injury which made it very ungainly. After about 20mins a kite came and gave it a good look over, dived and just missed. It chased the starling to the nearby hedge, without success, then landed by a puddle in the middle of the field for drink.

With reference to Ian's blog; Felinfach is quite close to these lakes, which are now beginning to mature, and I have sighted what I was fairly sure were hobbies on a few occasions in the last couple of years and was curious as to why, but I have come to the conclusion that the lakes are extensive enough to yield a good crop of dragonflies. I noticed what looked like Shelduck as I drove by about a week I know!! Thanks Ian.
