I've been fighting off a bit of a bug for a few days, consequently I've felt a bit low. Suddenly I feel a lot better.......
Buster and I went to Ynyslas for our walk this afternoon where I've been lucky enough to see an otter a couple of times recently. Today I saw two together. Judging by their size I guess they were youngsters, I watched them for about ten minutes.
When we drove off I had a big dopey grin on my face and when we reached Buster's playground the grin got even bigger..........
There I was able to watch a very obliging Merlin sitting on a post and looking as smart as a little guardsman.
Buster and I went to Ynyslas for our walk this afternoon where I've been lucky enough to see an otter a couple of times recently. Today I saw two together. Judging by their size I guess they were youngsters, I watched them for about ten minutes.
When we drove off I had a big dopey grin on my face and when we reached Buster's playground the grin got even bigger..........
There I was able to watch a very obliging Merlin sitting on a post and looking as smart as a little guardsman.