Thursday, 11 April 2013

Catching Up

On Tuesday about 8:30 am I had a White Wagtail in my garden searching around under  the feeders, then a few minutes later the first Willow Warbler of the year was working it's way through a row of lavender plants feeding. Two year ticks and an all time garden tick for the wagtail and it amused me that they both had WW as initials, mines a very simple mind.
Today the surprise was a Reed Bunting, it perplexed me for a while as it had very dark,almost black ear coverts and a lovely bright red-brown crown and black sides to the bib, pale cream throat and sub moustachial stripe, I've concluded that it must be a first winter female going into adult summer plumage. Any comments appreciated. This is turning into a very good year for garden birds.

That brings my year list for Ceredigion to about 106 so far (I haven't got a list as such just tried adding them up in my simple mind) and I reckon that at best I can get to about 165 so Russell looks to be on a safe bet to beat me.